
News    >     Ergolift and Manipulator Handling

Published 21/02/2022

Ergolift allow the ergonomic, safe and effective handling of any product. We are able to lift every kind of product weighing from 6 up to 1500 kilograms using compressed-air only. Dalmec is the response to the need to handle loads of different types in enslavement to transport lines, packaging equipment, production processes, etc. Perfectly balancing the loads, it allows the gripping and handling in a virtually weightless manner in any direction: the operator is able to work effortlessly in maximum safety and ergonomic conditions.


• Automotive • Bags • Bottle • Boxes • Building • Cements • Containers • Magnet Drums • Glass  Hook • Reels • Rubber • Panels • Electric Motors & Appliance

#dalmec #pneumatic #manipulator #ergolift #handling #alatbantuangkat #crane #jibcrane #liftarm #armlift #balancer #rakuraku #balaman 

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Plaza Pasifik B4/86 - Jl. Boulevard Barat Kelapa Gading - Jakarta 14240
Phone : +62 21 451 3089
Fax : +62 21 451 5743
Email : jotam@cbn.net.id